Có 2 kết quả:

蹿房越脊 cuān fáng yuè jǐ ㄘㄨㄢ ㄈㄤˊ ㄩㄝˋ ㄐㄧˇ躥房越脊 cuān fáng yuè jǐ ㄘㄨㄢ ㄈㄤˊ ㄩㄝˋ ㄐㄧˇ


Từ điển Trung-Anh

lit. to leap the house and cross the roofridge (idiom); dashing over rooftops (of robbers and pursuing knight-errant | in fiction)

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Từ điển Trung-Anh

lit. to leap the house and cross the roofridge (idiom); dashing over rooftops (of robbers and pursuing knight-errant | in fiction)

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